Term of Reference

Competition Registration


Registration must be done in the name of the participant, who will be either an individual participant or the team leader responsible for the submitted work.


Registration is carried out by visiting the official competition website Dulux Design Competition 2025 at https://duluxdesigncompetition.com, completing the registration form, and creating a personal account on the website. This account will be used as a platform for submitting competition entries.


There are no registration fees for participants.


The Terms of Reference (TOR) and identity data form can be downloaded from the official Dulux Design Competition 2025 website: https://duluxdesigncompetition.com, as well as from IAI Jakarta, HDII Jakarta, and Tukang.com.


Additional information will be provided during the Competition Briefing (aanwijzing) sessions, which will be held online and offline on March 8 and March 14, 2025.


All participants can access the summary of the Competition Briefing (aanwijzing) by downloading it from the website after the briefing sessions have been conducted.

Submission Guidelines

Room Interior Design

Participants must present their work in three (3) pages, using an A2 paper format (42cm x 60cm) in landscape orientation as a softcopy. No personal identification should be included in the drawings. The specified paper format provided by the committee must be followed.


The submission must include:

Title of the Work

Design Concept and Project Description (maximum 500 words)

Floor Plan, Elevations, Sections (with clear scale visibility)

Exterior and Interior Perspectives


High-resolution 3D renderings must be in color, with a resolution of 300 dpi and a minimum size of 1500 pixels on the shortest side or an image size of at least 25 x 34 cm (minimum file size: 20MB). A minimum of three (3) 3D images must be submitted.


All submission materials must be uploaded in softcopy format for judging, documentation, organizer publications, and the creation of a competition book through the participant's account on the official Dulux Design Competition 2025 website: https://duluxdesigncompetition.com. The email subject should be formatted as DDC2025_Registration Number, which will be automatically generated by the system upon registration.


Mar 1st – Jul 1st, 2025

Registration Open

Mar 10th, 2025

Competition Briefing (Aanwijzing)

Time: 10:30 PM - 11:30 PM WIB

Offline: PT ICI PAINTS Indonesia

Online: TBA

Jul 11th, 2025

Last Submission (17.00 WIB)

Jul 28th, 2025

Judging Session Phase 1

Aug 11th, 2025

Judging Session Phase 2

Aug 22nd, 2025

Award Ceremony

Competition Categories


Category 1

Residential (Landed House)

  • The submitted work must be a project that is currently in progress (design/construction phase).
  • The design must be a landed house with a maximum planning area of 1000 m², covering both the building and its surrounding environment.
  • The submitted work must include the title/theme, design concept, site plan, floor plan, elevations, sections, and 3D illustrations of both exterior and interior.
  • The design must implement Dulux Colour of The Year 2025 with the hero color "Gold Curry 40YY 49/546" as the main element and highlight in the color combination of the residential/landed house.
  • Participants can be individuals who are members of IAI (Indonesian Institute of Architects) or groups, as long as at least one member is an IAI member.
  • Participants are allowed to submit more than one work.
Category 2

Food & Beverage (F&B)

  • The submitted work must be a project that is currently in progress (design/construction phase).
  • The F&B design must be a standalone building with a maximum planning area of 1000 m², covering both the building and its surrounding environment.
  • The submitted work must include title/theme, design concept, site plan, floor plan, elevations, sections, and 3D illustrations of both exterior and interior.
  • The design must implement Dulux Colour of The Year 2025 with the hero color "Gold Curry 40YY 49/546" as the main element and highlight in the color combination of the F&B design.
  • Participants can be individuals who are members of IAI (Indonesian Institute of Architects) or groups, as long as at least one member is an IAI member.
  • Participants are allowed to submit more than one work.


Category 3


  • The submitted work must be a project that is currently in progress (design/construction phase).
  • The interior design can be from a residential landed house or an apartment unit with a maximum interior planning area of 1000 m².
  • The submitted work must include the title/theme of the work, interior design concept, interior layout plan, ceiling plan, floor plan, interior elevations, and 3D interior illustrations.
  • The design must implement Dulux Colour of The Year 2025 with the hero color "Gold Curry 40YY 49/546" as the main element and highlight in the color combination of interior spaces, including, Living Area, Family Area, Work/Study Area, Dining Area, Kitchen, Bedroom, Bathroom.
  • Participants can be individuals who are members of HDII (Indonesian Society of Interior Designers) or groups, as long as at least one member is an HDII member.
  • Participants are allowed to submit more than one work.
Category 4

Food & Beverage

  • The submitted work must be a project that is currently in progress (design/construction phase).
  • The F&B interior design must have a maximum interior planning area of 1000 m².
  • The submitted work must include the title/theme of the work, interior design concept, interior layout plan, ceiling plan, floor plan, interior elevations, and 3D interior illustrations.
  • The design must implement Dulux Colour of The Year 2025 with the hero color "Gold Curry 40YY 49/546" as the main element and highlight in the color combination of the F&B interior design.
  • Participants can be individuals who are members of HDII (Indonesian Society of Interior Designers) or groups, as long as at least one member is an HDII member.
  • Participants are allowed to submit more than one work.

C. PUBLIC FACILITIES DESIGN (Architecture Student)

Category 5

Public Restroom

  • The submitted work must be a design proposal for a Public Restroom located in an urban park in Jakarta. Participants may choose the specific location.
  • The design must be a standalone building with a maximum planning area of 100 m², including, men's restroom, women's restroom, disabled-access restroom, and the surrounding environment.
  • The submitted work must include the title/theme of the work, design concept, site plan, floor plan, elevations, sections, and 3D exterior and interior illustrations.
  • The design must implement Dulux Colour of The Year 2025 with the hero color "Gold Curry 40YY 49/546" as the main element and highlight in the color combination of the public restroom design.
  • Participants must be currently active undergraduate (S1) architecture students, proven by a valid student ID.
  • Participants can join individually or in groups, as long as the group leader is an architecture student.
  • Participants are allowed to submit more than one work.

D. PUBLIC FACILITIES DESIGN (Interior Design Student)

Category 6

Yellow Canteen

  • The submitted work must be a design proposal based on the data provided by the committee.
  • The layout plan (200 m²) is provided by the committee (HDII).
  • The submitted work must include the title/theme of the work, interior design concept, interior layout plan, ceiling plan, floor plan, interior elevations, and 3D interior illustrations.
  • The design must implement Dulux Colour of The Year 2025 with the hero color "Gold Curry 40YY 49/546" as the main element and highlight in the canteen design.
  • Participants must be currently active undergraduate (S1) interior design students, proven by a valid student ID.
  • Participants can join individually or in groups, as long as the group leader is an interior design student.
  • Participants are allowed to submit more than one work.


Category 7

City Project

Beautification of the Underground Corridor at Blok M Terminal, Jakarta

  • As part of Dulux's contribution to enhancing public spaces, this project focuses on the beautification of the Underground Corridor at Blok M Terminal, Jakarta.
  • The submitted work must be a visual design concept with an Abstract Geometric theme that incorporates rectangular, curved, and abstract patterns to create a harmonious and dynamic composition.
  • The design must blend Betawi cultural elements with Blok M's identity as the ASEAN capital hub. The final result should reflect a modern, inclusive design, diversity in culture, and a "Modern Geometric Style" that aligns with the city's identity.
  • The design must cover the entire Blok M Corridor (Phase 1, 2, and 3), according to the layout and images provided by the committee.
  • Implementation will be done in stages, starting with Phase 1.
  • The total implementation budget for the entire Blok M Corridor beautification project must not exceed Rp 300,000,000.
  • Location compatibility: The design must consider the characteristics of the space and its surroundings.
  • Feasibility: The design must be applicable using painting techniques or other media.
  • Visual & social impact: The design should enhance the city's aesthetics and create a positive experience for the public.
  • The submitted work must include the title/theme of the work, design concept for the artwork/installation, digital imaging based on the photos and images provided by the committee.
  • Implementing the trend with the hero colour "Gold Curry 40YY 49/546" and combining the True Joy™ colour palette as the primary element (80%) to highlight the Blok M corridor design. Decorative ornamental touches may be added to enhance the visual appeal without diminishing the essence of the main colour.
  • This competition is open to the general public who wish to contribute directly to enhancing public spaces through art and color. Participants in this category can join individually or as a group.
  • Participants are allowed to submit more than one design.